Cold Steel
Cold Steel DVD: The Fighting Tomahawk
Artikelnummer CST-VDFT
* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Cold Steel DVD: The Fighting Tomahawk
Bisher ist das Angebot an gutem Lehrmaterial, das sich mit der Vielseitigkeit des Tomahawks befasst, mangelhaft gewesen. Nun präsentiert Cold Steel The Fighting Tomahawk und gibt Dir mit diesen Lehr-DVDs die Möglichkeit, das volle Potential dieser Waffe auszuschöpfen.
Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.
The Tomahawk is a uniquely American invention. It can double as either a highly useful tool or as a ferocious piece of weaponry. It is, in fact, these two attributes that have endeared the Tomahawk to generations of countless Americans. Tomahawks, in many variations, have seen service in every armed conflict in the nations history. Unfortunately, up until now, there has been very little formal instruction on how to exploit the versatility of the Tomahawk and take advantage of its full potential as a weapon. That is why, after 13 years of manufacturing and 15 years of research, training, and sparring, Cold Steel is presenting this DVD, The Fighting Tomahawk.
Covered Topics:
- Advantages of the Tomahawk as a weapon
- Customizing your Tomahawk
- Specialized training; Tomahawks and safety issues
- Gripping methods
- Fighting stances and postures
- Chopping, cutting, slashing and hacking
- Stabbing, slapping, hammering, gouging and sawing
- Pushing, pulling and hooking with your Tomahawk
- Avoiding blows, stop hitting, counter slashing, blocking, parrying and using the empty hand
- Disarm defenses
- Stopping the charge
- Strength and agility drills
- Distance judging drills
- Identifying an enemy's weakness
- Creating and exploiting openings or opportunities
- Fight strategy
- Sparring drills and actual sparring
- Opposing other weapons
Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: ca. 4 Std. 30 Min.
Warnung: Enthält möglicherweise extreme Szenen, die einige Zuschauer als schockierend empfinden könnten.
Bisher ist das Angebot an gutem Lehrmaterial, das sich mit der Vielseitigkeit des Tomahawks befasst, mangelhaft gewesen. Nun präsentiert Cold Steel The Fighting Tomahawk und gibt Dir mit diesen Lehr-DVDs die Möglichkeit, das volle Potential dieser Waffe auszuschöpfen.
Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.
The Tomahawk is a uniquely American invention. It can double as either a highly useful tool or as a ferocious piece of weaponry. It is, in fact, these two attributes that have endeared the Tomahawk to generations of countless Americans. Tomahawks, in many variations, have seen service in every armed conflict in the nations history. Unfortunately, up until now, there has been very little formal instruction on how to exploit the versatility of the Tomahawk and take advantage of its full potential as a weapon. That is why, after 13 years of manufacturing and 15 years of research, training, and sparring, Cold Steel is presenting this DVD, The Fighting Tomahawk.
Covered Topics:
- Advantages of the Tomahawk as a weapon
- Customizing your Tomahawk
- Specialized training; Tomahawks and safety issues
- Gripping methods
- Fighting stances and postures
- Chopping, cutting, slashing and hacking
- Stabbing, slapping, hammering, gouging and sawing
- Pushing, pulling and hooking with your Tomahawk
- Avoiding blows, stop hitting, counter slashing, blocking, parrying and using the empty hand
- Disarm defenses
- Stopping the charge
- Strength and agility drills
- Distance judging drills
- Identifying an enemy's weakness
- Creating and exploiting openings or opportunities
- Fight strategy
- Sparring drills and actual sparring
- Opposing other weapons
Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: ca. 4 Std. 30 Min.
Warnung: Enthält möglicherweise extreme Szenen, die einige Zuschauer als schockierend empfinden könnten.
Hersteller: GSM Outdoors Frye Rd. 5250 75061 Irving TX USA, E-Mail:, Telefon: +18772698490
Verantwortliche Person: Heinr. Böker Baumwerk GmbH Schützenstr. 30 42659 Solingen Deutschland, E-Mail:, Telefon: +49 212 40120